Here’s a recent answer on Quora which we found quite interesting. Preston Joslin offers his personal thoughts on driving a supercar… Enjoy !
Having driven some supercars at the age of 16, I can tell you this:
- They are difficult to drive.
Supercars are a Point A to Point A car. In other words: this isn’t a car you use to go somewhere. It’s a car you take out of your house, and drive around for a while, before you return to your house. You don’t go to the mall in it. You don’t take it to dinner. You can’t pick up anything significant, and you can’t transport more than one person. It’s not a vehicle you use. It’s a toy to be played with.
2. The ride quality is atrocious.
When you do take it out, you’re hit with a few other problems. Namely: driving the car isn’t very enjoyable unless you’re on an empty, winding back road. In cities, you have to contend with potholes, road debris, curbs, and other drivers, who aren’t checking their mirrors at all, let alone looking for a sports car that barely sits four feet off the ground. Blind spots are significant, and the suspension is harsh. Ordinary city streets are cringeworthy, and filled with bumps you never even knew were there. It’s not until you get out, away from crowds, and bad roads, and inattentive drivers, that you can enjoy a car like this.
3. The maintenance is expensive.
The other major problem with owning a supercar is the cost, it wasn’t cheap. And this is for a reliable Ferrari I drove: one that didn’t have a single unexpected repair during the entire year of ownership, aside from a flat tire. So then why is it so expensive? For one thing, the Ferrari dealer charges about $150 per hour for labor. Add in parts, and it’s almost impossible to leave the service department without spending $1,000.
4. It draws attention, a lot of attention.
I still remember seeing the occasional Ferrari or Lamborghini on the road when I was a little kid, and hoping that it would be me driving it someday. Back then, I had never heard of diminished value. I didn’t think about thick rubber mats, or gas station strangers; I didn’t consider potholes, or driveway angles, or valet parking. All I knew is: that car is cool, and I bet it’s incredible to drive. And I was right: on the right road, on the right day, there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be. But most roads aren’t the right roads, it is great when everything is perfect. But other times, it is not a positive experience.
Great answer.